A few days ago, Jonathan Willis at Bleacher Report had a great article introducing his readers to a few of the most common NHL advanced
statistics. He breaks the stats up into team statistics and player statistics.
For team stats he mostly focuses on Fenwick and Corsi, which are the two most
popular way that hockey analysts like to measure shot attempts.
Fenwick and Corsi are commonly thought of as a good way to
capture how much a team is dominating offensively, since teams only attempt a
shot when they're in their offensive zone. In other words, Fenwick and Corsi
are thought of as proxies for how much time a team spends in their offensive
zone. A natural conclusion to draw from this is that if your team dominates
your opponent in the Fenwick and Corsi stats, then most of the game was likely
spent in your offensive zone and your team probably won the game.
In this post I'm going to dig into Fenwick and Corsi and
show that neither stat is very good at predicting who wins hockey games in the
NHL. In fact, I'll show that the simple shots-on-goal stat does a better job at
predicting who will win a game than Fenwick and Corsi.